Bridgeport FFA
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Show Rabbit Information


There are a couple of options with rabbits.  You can raise a breeding rabbit or a pen of market rabbits. 


Breeding Rabbits

This project that you will have from now on.  When school ends the rabbit will still be in your possession.  There are a wide variety of rabbit breeds to choose from.  Mrs. DeShazo has a book that you can look through to see some of your options.  We can discuss what is good for in Texas and what might be available to us as well as price.


Market Rabbits

These bunnies need to be ordered around 145 days before you will get them.  They have to be born at a certain time and will be 6 weeks old when you get them.  You will then raise them for 6 weeks. The goal is to get 3 bunnies as close to the same as possible.  Should be like 3 peas in a pod.  They need to be as close to 5.5 pounds with not going over.  You will get feeding directions and need to weigh them frequently, even daily as the Wise County Youth Fair approaches.  After the show you have the option to dispose of the rabbits. 


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